Monday, May 31, 2010


I have recently completed ten years of research into the Hartwell family and many of my ancestors came from Cople.

If any of your readers are interested in the Hartwell's I would be willing to share info with them. As a matter of interest the original Hartwell's are from Hartwell village in Northamptonshire which was under the protection of Odo, William the Conquer's brother following 1066. It wasn't until very much later that they moved into Bedfordshire.

After over ten years of research I have taken the family back to William the Conqueror and Sir Simon Hartwell. Sir Simon married Simone and they had a son Sir Geoffrey and there is the start of the current line in England. The father of Sir Simon came over with Wm The Conqueror from Normandy and I have narrowed him down to a handful of Knights who were close to William, but I think it unlikely I shall ever be able to identify which one.

Does anyone have any photographs or information about James Hartwell born 1811 in Cople and married Mary Hill or James Hartwell born 1843 in Cople who married Elizabeth Geary.

Having just seen your splendid web site and the Peter Burr archive which was fascinating, it crossed my mind that there just might be something somewhere, and as I do not possess any pics at all of the Cople Hartwells I would be ever so grateful if anyone could help.



Ambernomad said...

(Not sure if the first post went through, so I am posting again.) Anthony--I am in fact quite interested in finding out more information about the Hartwell's as our family is just beginning its ancestry search. We have traced some of my great grandmother Hartwell's family as far back as Sir Simon Hartwell. Any ancillary information you might have would be greatly appreciated. PS We do know one of her other ancestors was owner of the Hartwell Tavern in Concord Mass. USA

Karen M. Samuels said...

Hi Anthony,
My maiden name is Hartwell and I am a decedent of Samuel Hartwell who immigrated to America in 1636. I am interested in the history of Hartwells in the UK. Do you know what the relationship was between
Walchelin Maminot and Sir Simon?

"In 1086 William Peveril held of Odo bishop of Bayeux 4½ hides and the fifth part of half a hide in Hartwell, which in 1066 Edmar had held freely. (fn. 27) After the battle of Hastings the Conqueror placed Odo in charge of Dover Castle and most, if not all, his lands were subject to castle guard there, including Hartwell, which had to provide two knights to serve 15 days each every year. The duty was subequently commuted to a payment of £1 a year for the two, i.e. 8d. a day for each knight. (fn. 28)
After Odo's disgrace and exile early in William II's reign, Hartwell was among his estates which passed to Walchelin Maminot, who in 1138 held Dover Castle for the empress Maud (fn. 29) and appears in the 12th-century Northamptonshire Survey as the lord of Hartwell."
I am trying to learn about British history. I start an on-line course in Local History at University of Oxford this fall.
Thank you,

TwoTBurtonTattoo said...

Hello everyone,

My Great Grandmothers name was Elsie Hartwell and was from the line of Hartwells that came from England to Concord Mass. Her family traced back the family to 1066 "with William the Conqueror" and when I sent the list to the senior geneaologist of the Hartwells in America she told me the history previous to the Concord Hartwells was foggy. I have alot of names pre-Concord, but only the names. Id love to find out more information on the British side if anyone could share...I'd be very...very grateful.

My email is:

Thank you in advance!

Unknown said...

Hi Hartwells, I'm son of duane k from Kansas & west coast,Cameron. I've heard of Ellsie &Concord Hartwells. I'm interested in the man who made this possible,Sir Simon.The life and times and where do I keep hearing a Welsh connection somewhere also? I can be reached @

Neil Hart-Star said...

Hi Folks, I'm a Hartwell too , but not one which sheltered Paul Revere in between Lexington and Concorde. I live in Cornwall UK, and have been researching the Hartwells in Turvey,which is on the other side of Bedford Town. I haven't got a link to the 1821 Cople branch, just my earliest antecedent James Hartwell 1771 - 1844 born in Carlton (over above Turvey to the North). I can get back to 1066 via my maternal history, if you can believe it all. Regards to you all

Unknown said...

I am a hartwell in Australia. John Hartwell emgrated to Australia in 1848. He married Edith Swales who also emigrated in 1848. I think his parents were John Hartwell and Sarah Peckover married in Cople, Bedfordshire 11 Dec 1801. I dont know where John the son was in 1841 for the cencus. I thouht he was inTurvey but that John died in Turvey. Any help would be a bi help. Looking forward to hearing from any and all who can help.

Unknown said...

Hi again
I am still trying to track John Hartwell (possibly John William Hartwell) of Cople Bedfordshire. I have found one JH of the right age in the army in a barracks in Glasgow,in the 1841 census. This is possibly the one as the JH who emigrated to Australia in 1848 claimed to be Presbyterian of the Church of Scotland. This may have been a put on as they were married in a Presbyterian manse. JH's family was Church of England.
The 1841 census lists Thomas son of Sarah Hartwell as the same age as JH - born in 1821-but in later census's Thomas is listed as being older-born in 1819. Was there a Thomas and a John? Was there an error in the census?
If you can help me clarify/confirm correct links I would be greatful.
I wilcheck this blog regularly but you couldcontact me at

Neil Hart-Star said...

Hi - Hart-Star again

At last I've got a link to the Cople Hartwells - via Violet Annie Hartwell 1889-1963 who married George Frederick Sharman - himself a descendant of the Turvey Keech family - and thence to the Turvey Hartwells

details via

Unknown said...

A long time since 2014 but here is an update. I have established a line from Cople hartwells to the times of William the conquorer and beyond. I am having trouble sorting out the relationship of Simon Hartwell to William. Lots of Royalty in the family -n if its true. Has anyone tied this down with evidence. Would love to be sent the info. email Looking forward to hearing from you. Lesley

Ian said...

This email was received in March 2017 and I have only just noticed it...

Hi, in May 2010 you posted an email of mine on your family history site and due to medical problems I was never able to check back to see if anyone had been in touch. I can now see that several people contacted the site looking for info on the Hartwell family. I realise it is a long shot but I am now able to assist if anyone wants info and I do apologise to those who asked for info and never got it.

Anthony Hartwell

Unknown said...

Hello everyone from the Hartwell family. I am concentrating on the early Hartwells beginning with Simon and his father. Information is scarce. Answers or help with research sources would be wonderful in these areas:-
1. How do we know Simons wife's name was Simone?
2. Where do we find info about these Knights? eg Sir Simon Sir Geofroi/Geoffrey Sir Richard. I haven't been able to trace them.
3. Has anyone found out who Simons father was? Doomsday gives Geoffroi's that were in the area but there is no proof of paternity.
4. It is possible that Simon had two brothers - Henry and William. Can anyone back this up with research? Can anyone use this to help work it all out.
5. Simon was possibly Simeon. There is heraldry shield diagrams for a few Simeons. I Simon one of these?
A lot of questions. Do you have any clues or research ideas to help with the answers. Internet research info is limited and very difficult to find. Links to sources, books etc
would be a big help.
Love to hear from anyone who can help or whome I can help.
Lesley Muller nee Hartwell
"Hartwell" tree on Ancestry

Geoffrey said...

I have a family tree accessible at mu DNA kit is on GEDmatch as number H938671 contact

Duke Hartwell said...

I have done years of research. The Sons of Jasper sent their Sons to America in 1635. William and John. Sons of Francis and Robert. I think that the unknown Hartwell was sired by Geoffrey De Montbray. #1 birth of Unknown Montbray had been in England. #2 the line from London to Hastings runs through Hartwell. #3 Simon naming son Geoffrey. #4 the great military expertise through the years DNA. Simon's Arms with the hybrid Lion holding the Canton of Ermine (Nobility) . And the fact that that warrior DNA was in the Women and the men made high ranks (Brigadier General). I think it's pretty obvious once you see those hereditary traits. And especially the knowledge of God. Has anyone ever come up with another person close to the Conquerer who fits better than Montbray???