Cople Times Past
This is the blog attached to the Cople, Bedfordshire, UK village web site for people researching their family history or other aspects of Cople history.
If you are able to offer any further information for any of these entries please send it to me (see for contact details) and I will forward it on.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Dunham and Brimley
I am researching my Bedfordshire family history and quite a few come from the Cople/ Cardington and Willington area in the 18th and early 19th century.
The names I am particularly interested in are William and Susannah Dunham (father and daughter from abt 1800) and Mary Brimley who was William's wife and Susannah's mother. I think William may have been a publican.
Thanks for your help,
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Barcock, Hartwell, Fuller
Friday, September 02, 2011
Ashwell, Eastwell
Kindest regards
Sunday, July 03, 2011
White and Warden
I have discovered that my great, great grandmother was born in Cople in about 1835. She was the daughter of Frederick White, also of Cople and Mary Warden. Her name was Jane.
I would love to know if anybody else is researching either the White or Warden families.
Jane became a servant in Eastcotts and it appears that she met my great great grandfather there. His name was John Boston and he was born in Cardington. Later they moved to Wilstead and eventually bought a farm. The farm remained in the family until the 1970's when it was sold and restored. My grandfather was born there.
I believe that they were methodists and I was interested to read that John Wesley preached in the church at Cople. He also preached in St Paul's in Bedford.
Pat Boston
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Thomas and Bennet Grey to Hayter-Menzies
My descent from Thomas and Bennet Grey:
Thomas Grey
m. Bennet Launcelyn
Reynold Grey
m. Elizabeth Isaac
Anne Grey
m. Simon Digby of Bedale
Everard Digby
m. Katherine Stockbridge
Elizabeth Digby
m. Enoch Lynde
Simon Lynde of Boston
m. Hannah Newgate
Nathaniel Lynde of Old Saybrook, Connecticut
m. Susanna Willoughby
Hannah Lynde of Lyme, Connecticut
m. Rev. George Griswold
Lucretia Griswold
m. Col. Jonathan Latimer
Borodell Latimer
m. Eusebius Bushnell
Clarissa Bushnell
m. Isham Baird
Nancy Baird
m. James Shewmake
Elizabeth Shewmake
m. Samuel Selathiel Mason
Elizabeth Ann Mason
m. Elijah Clark Lewis
Charles Benjamin Lewis
m. Eliza Bartow Kelly
Nina J. Lewis
m. Earl Weston Strawser
Glenda Joyce Strawser
m. Ronald Grant Menzies
Grant Menzies, b. 1964
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Grey, Launcelyn, Digby, Lynde, Locke
Extracts from some emails between Vaughan Southgate and Grant Menzies
Thank you for confirming Bennet Grey's parentage - it makes the brasses of John and Alice Launcelyn all the more meaningful to me. I have read that John Launcelyn was justice of the peace for the county, and lived at a property called Woodend, but didn't know how Bennet was related to him. I shall now have the pleasure of looking into his history as well!
My connection to the Greys and Launcelyns is through Simon Digby of Bedale, who married Anne Grey, granddaughter of Thomas and Bennet Grey. Their granddaughter, Elizabeth Digby, married a London merchant named Enoch Lynde, and their son, Simon Lynde (who was brought by his mother's cousin, the Earl of Bristol, to kiss the hand of King Charles I), became a prominent citizen of Boston, Massachusetts. I descend from Simon's granddaughter, Hannah Lynde, who married the Rev. George Griswold in Connecticut. For years it was thought that Anne Grey Digby was from another branch of the Grey family (one with a descent from Edward III, if memory serves). I think the correct ancestry is much more interesting, as it takes in the Launcelyns, the Isaacs, and Guildfords. It was families like these that really made up the backbone of their England.
I'm especially intrigued by the connection to Henry VIII via John and Alice Launcelyn's daughter. The king was also connected to my ancestor Sir William Locke, when he was Sheriff of London and mercer to the court. It was a small world even then!
If someone recognises the names, is perhaps a descendant, or simply has an interest in local history and can supply more information for Grant Hayter-Menzies at
(Vaughan Southgate)
Monday, May 31, 2010
If any of your readers are interested in the Hartwell's I would be willing to share info with them. As a matter of interest the original Hartwell's are from Hartwell village in Northamptonshire which was under the protection of Odo, William the Conquer's brother following 1066. It wasn't until very much later that they moved into Bedfordshire.
After over ten years of research I have taken the family back to William the Conqueror and Sir Simon Hartwell. Sir Simon married Simone and they had a son Sir Geoffrey and there is the start of the current line in England. The father of Sir Simon came over with Wm The Conqueror from Normandy and I have narrowed him down to a handful of Knights who were close to William, but I think it unlikely I shall ever be able to identify which one.
Does anyone have any photographs or information about James Hartwell born 1811 in Cople and married Mary Hill or James Hartwell born 1843 in Cople who married Elizabeth Geary.
Having just seen your splendid web site and the Peter Burr archive which was fascinating, it crossed my mind that there just might be something somewhere, and as I do not possess any pics at all of the Cople Hartwells I would be ever so grateful if anyone could help.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
William Eastwell
In 1852 Martha moved to Cople to live with a William Eastwell, a widower with several children. His deaceased wife was called Mary Ann Eastwell.
Martha and William married in 1854 I think and had 3 children together.
Martha died (possibly in childbirth) in 1862 at the age of 36.
I think William Eastwell lived at Water End (according to one of the census records I hold) and he was a farm labourer.
Would there be any record of the Cople Eastwells at your church? Would there be any record of Marthas burial or the christening of her three children in your church archives? If not, would you know where they would be? Does the church hold detailed burial plans?
I would be grateful to receive any information
Pamela Blackburn.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Clark (or Clarke)
Steve Emson
If anyone has/wants further details please send an email to Ian (ses contact details above) who will send the details to Steve
Friday, October 09, 2009
Brimley, Pestell, Lack
Christine Faulkner (nee Lack)
(I have no email address for Christine - Ian)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Spencer (and Gastwick)
Jo Spencer
Can anyone help Jo about any Spencer or Gastwick connections in the Cople area?
30 September 2009 - response from Herbert Spencer
My wife has also traced my family back to Nicholas, and she has gone further. I have not met any of my Spencer relatives. My father was born in Hazard, KY, USA.
(Herbert's contact details have been sent to Jo.)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Charles and James Kingston (1800's)
My great grandfather Charles Kingston and his brother James Kingston were born in Cople to Thomas Kingston and Sarah Abbot.
Charles moved to Brisbane with his wife and two of his children, on the ship the Hastings in 1857.
They finally settled in the suburb that now bears their name, "Kingston"
I am very interested in finding out anything i can about Charles’ parents and siblings.
Father of Charles = Thomas
Mother of Charles = Sarah Abbot
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Addington, Lawson
I would love to hear from anyone in the village who might have memories of my aunt and uncle The Addingtons who ran their wholesale greengrocery business from the 1930's to the 60's and with whom I spent my school holidays each year.
Very happy days when Cople was virtually traffic free and front doors were always open!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I would love to get in touch with Carol who has posted a blog regarding her husbands 2x great grandfather, John Brimley and his father Eli Brimley. Eli is my second cousin 6 times removed.
I am rapidly "joining the dots" between most Bedfordshire Brimley's (and others, its just the Lancashire Brimleys that have me stumped!) I have gathered quite a bit of info together and would be happy to share. The one thing I am really desperate for is any photos of any Brimley's - I have turned my dining room into a family history room and have started a collection of black and white photos. I have been able to get quite a few for my husbands family but am sadly lacking on the Brimley side!
If an appeal could be posted on your site for such photos I would be extremely grateful - I have come to know so much about this family that it would be great to have faces to put to the names (and it doesn't really matter where they come from - the chances are they are in my tree and therefore a relation!)
My own direct line started with Samuel Brimly c1714 Cranfield and through the generations in Cardington, Willington, Goldington and eventually ending up in Edmonton, London.I look forward to hearing from you
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Later they left Cople to live and run a public house in Hitchin, but many of their relatives where left living in Cople. Anyone who has any information I would be pleased to hear from them.
Monday, December 15, 2008
In 1871 he was a tailor and rates collector and lived at no.46 nr. to Octagon Farm. In 1891 he lived at Rose Cottage his family was smaller because the children had married and left home. Rose Cottage was next to the Five Bells.
One of his sons William Henry Wilmot married and stayed in the village as a house painter with his family. They lived in Church Row in 1891. This is where my grandmother was born and lived until she married then moved to Harrowden Rd. where I was born.
My grandmother Jessie Wilmot (married name Taylor) was a dressmaker and learnt her skills in a little thatched cottage on the way out of Cople to the right of the Five Bells - I think it has since been demolished. She used to point it out to me whenever we drove passed on a Sunday.
My G.G.Grandfather has quite a large burial plot in the churchyard where he, his wife and one of his daughters is buried. The family were there for two generations.
I wonder if anyone has any information about them - especially my GG Grandfather?
I am sending a

William Henry Wilmot had a brother called Frank who is reported on one of the census' as an imbecile, but he was an epileptic and tragically died after falling into the village pond during a fit and drowned. He was 22. there was a report in the local newspaper at the time.It isn't a very clear picture I'm almost certain it was taken in the back garden of Harrowden Road house where my grandmother lived (Jessie Fanny Taylor)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Bendall, Abbott or Shaw
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Rev. Joseph John Atkins
I would very much appreciate any information anyone is able to give.
John Atkins
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
John Bennett, Ann Foskett
The earliest record I have is John Bennett who married Ann Foskett in Cople in May 1788, the pair of them being blessed with at least 14 children all of whom were christened in Cople and many of which later married into other local families such as the Berry's, Peer's and Summerfield's.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Hartwells and Peckovers
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I have seen the postings about the Hartwell family and would like to respond, but also signal my own interest in hearing from anyone who can clear up some queries I have.
I am interested in trying to track earlier generations of the same family and therefore would be interested in any information about the parentage of John Hartwell and Sarah Peckover. I have attached a third family group sheet for them.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Re: John Harris
My grandmother Edith Annie Williams was the granddaughter of John Harris. She was living at Cople Dog Inn in 1871 and Octagon House in 1881 with her grandfather and other family members. She was born in 1868 to Mary Harris and Daniel Williams and came to New Zealand in 1885. Her siblings were Walter H (b abt 1867), Edward (b abt 1870), Amy R ( b abt 1871), Gertrude M F (b abt 1876) and Frances M (b abt 1880). I am unable to find them in 1891 and wonder if they all came to New Zealand too. I have some leads here but none confirmed so far. All were born in Wolverhampton except Frances who was born in Leicestershire.
Edith Annie married James Stephen Donaldson in Wellington, NZ in 1899. They had 5 daughters and 2 sons
Denise Farrar
New Zealand
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
John Foskett
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
My great grandmother was Harriet Hartwell born about 1860. Her father was James Hartwell born about 1811. Thomas Hartwell (who married Naomi) was his brother. Their parents were John Hartwell and Sarah Peckover. Most of the Hartwell girls and ladies were Lacemakers. According to the 1840 census all of the Hartwell's listed (as far as I can make out), were either children or grandchildren of John and Sarah, but I might be wrong! John and Sarah are listed as coming from Bedfordshire. Do you know where in Bedfordshire they came from?
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Received 15th June 2006
I am looking into my family tree and it appears from the 1881 census my ancestors came from Cople, Beds. They were the Hartwell Family and they were Lace Makers. There was Thomas (Son), Naomi (Head), Emily and Sarah. Any Help would be wonderful
Many thanks
Tracey Binks
John Harris
My great grandfather, William Harris from Rushden moved to Bedford but his brother John who was born in 1813 (also in Rushden) moved to Cople with his family in the 1850s. He was a farmer, cattle dealer and publican. Through information gathered on the various census, he farmed around 85 acres and his address was given as The Dog Inn Cople. I see you have only one pub so it could now be a private house.
I know it is a longshot, but am wondering whether you know anything about this property or of any decendants from this family still in the village. Harris is a dreadful name to research - there are thousands of them!!
Many thanks
PS My father was born in Newton Bromswold in 1885 into a farming family. John would have been his great uncle.
The older Cople Vicarage

Received: February 2006
I have been asked by Jim if I can identify this grand looking vicarage. He wondered if it existed in Cople.
I have suggested the place name might have said ODELL but I have only seen the scanned image. Jim, who has the original, thinks it could have said COPLE.
Does anyone know which building was the Cople Vicarage around 1900 or do you recognise this house?
Just to let you know that Margarette Yerrill is still alive. Sadly uncle Eric Yerrill died two weeks ago. Bian Yerrill is still going strong. This is his daughter Lynda.
I lived with my nan in Northill Road up until 1955. Her name was Muriel Eagle married to Harry Eagle. They had four children - Rob, Nelson , Paul and Joyce (Bubbles). Rob used to live with Con in Waterend but has moved to Willington Road. Nelson lives in Willington with Edna, Paul lives in Bedford. Bubbles moved to Bedford in 1955. My name was Nina Hitchcock and I had a sister Sally. When we lived in Northill Road there was Brian and Graham Minney, Maureen, Jackie, Brenda and Bonnie Worrall. Ann Bennett. I often see Sylvia Corn as she was known, she is now married to a green bowler (which my husband Peter and I play). Nina
Eagle - Northill Road
My family come from Cople and I showed my parents your e-mail. We lived with my nan in Northill road - the Minnies Graham and Brian lived at the end, then there was the Worralls -Bonnie, Jackie and Maureen, then the Barratts - Ann. My family's name is Eagle - nan was Muriel married Harry had four children - Rob, Paul Nelson and Joyce known as Bubbles. We moved to Bedford from Cople when I was 9 (1955). Con and Rob Eagle used to live in Waterend but moved to Willington Road, Edna and Nelson moved to Willington. Paul was in the army then moved to Clapham and is now in Bedford. Mum went to school with a lot of the names mentioned.
I've sent Christmas cards and have had no replies. I'd like to know if my uncle Jeff Nicholls is still amongst the living? He lives on Northill road. And do you know anyone else who has a computer in Cople? Can you e-mail the pub? It has a special place in my heart. My mom made it rock in WW2. It was one busy place. My mum and dad (Joyce and Archie Robinson) were people before their time. We also had the blacksmith shop.Cople church also has a special place in my heart! Is Margerette Yerrill, Esme, and EiIlene, & Gwen Lack, Dorothy and Eric Yerrill Still around in Cople? Does Esme still work for Allen Heart? What's the population as of this year? I also remember Peter Burr, and Peter and Allen Jennings. Just walking down memory lane, haven't been home to Cople in 10 - 12 years. Sure do miss it.
You occassionally send an email to me but I am unable to reply as your return address is always invalid.
Please check your return email address and contact me again.
Meanwhile I am publishing your email here in case anyone from Cople can answer these questions